The Western Australian Farmers Federation (Inc.) (WAFarmers) AgConnect will be holding the 2013 Conference on Friday 12 April at the Ocean Beach Hotel in Cottesloe from 9am.
The ‘Agriculture – The Green Collar Industry’ Conference is being hosted by the WAFarmers AgConnect Committee (formerly Young Farmers), who recognise that in addition to young farmers, there is a myriad of young people in rural, regional and metropolitan areas with a passion for agriculture and progressing rural communities.
As part of their mission to connect, represent and provide support to young people involved in agricultural industries and rural communities, AgConnect encourages you to attend the conference which has a focus on the economic, environmental and social sustainability of Australian agriculture.
The 2012 Rural Industries Research & Development Corporation (RIRDC) WA Rural Woman of the Year, Catherine Marriott, will be acting as the MC for the day, sharing some of her incredible experiences and insights with attendees.
The inspirational and multi landcare award winner Lynne Strong will discuss her passion for sustainable agriculture and the need for primary producers to reconnect with consumers to build a strong appreciation of the importance of farming.
Also presenting at the Conference will be Geraldton farmer Michael Trant, who organised the tremendously successful ‘Had a gutfull’ rally in Fremantle.
Other speakers include Chris Moore, Westpac Agribusiness, Hollie Baillieu, 2013 Chair of NFF 2050 Committee, Stephanie Tarlinton, young agricultural ambassador, Ryan Joyce, Future Farmers Director, and Wendy Dymond, passionate agricultural advocate.
The AgConnect Committee thanks Westpac Banking Corporation and the Future Farmers Network for their generous support and looks forward to seeing you all there.
WAFarmers AgConnect Conference “Agriculture – The green Collar industry”
When: 9.00am Friday 12 April 2013
Where: Ocean Beach Hotel, Cottesloe
Program and Speakers AgConnect Conference 12 April, 2013
9.00 am Registration and coffee
9.30 am Opening and welcome
MC – Catherine Marriott
9.40 am AgConnectWA Launch
AgConnectWA – the future of WAFarmers
WAFarmers President Dale Park
”About Andrew and the year ahead”
AgConnectWA President Andrew Whitelaw
10.00 am Lynne Strong (2009 Landcare Primary Producer of the Year)
“Daring to Dream”
10.20 am Morning Tea
10.50 am Chris Moore, Head of Grain, Westpac Banking Corporation
“Making your money work for you”
11.10 am Michael Trant, Station and feedlot owner / operator, Geraldton
“Had a gut-full”
11.40 am Steph Tarlinton, ‘Farm Girls Love Shoes Too’
“Tools for social media and making them work for you”
12.10 pm Lunch
1.00 pm AgConnect AGM
1.10 pm Ryan Joyce, Future Farmers Network
1.25 pm Facilitated group session with Catherin Marriott and Wendy Diamond
“New directions for AgConnect
2.35 pm Afternoon Tea
3.00 pm Facilitated session continues.
3.40 pm Panel session: Interactive session with guest speakers including Hollie Baillieu, Chair National Farmers Federation 2050 Committee
4.25 pm Wrap-up and Close – Catherine Marriott