WAFarmers urges Western Australian consumers to purchase more fresh milk and yogurt, as difficulties continue for the state’s dairy industry.
WAFarmers Chief Executive Officer Stephen Brown said that if consumers increased milk purchases by an extra litre or two, it would go a long way towards counteracting the current oversupply of milk and protecting the livelihoods of the dairy farmers.
“While the WA dairy industry has not been hit as hard as the eastern states by these issues, there are some local dairy farmers whose livelihoods have been threatened by this crisis and other factors,” he said.
“At the present time, the best way for the Western Australian public to support dairy farmers is to go to your local supermarket, buy an extra carton or two of fresh milk, yogurt and other dairy products.
“Creamy soups, pastas or desserts, home-made cheese or that extra cup of coffee – the possibilities are endless when using milk.”
Mr Brown said many people had questioned which brand of milk to buy to best support the local farmers.
“While many consumers would prefer to buy local at this time, we encourage the purchase of any brand of fresh milk at this time in Western Australia as 93 per cent of milk sold in WA is produced here,” he said.
All media requests must be directed to WAFarmers Media and Communications Officer Melanie Dunn on (08) 9486 2100 or [email protected].