WAFarmers has completed several submissions recently and is continuing to work on a number of others.
WAFarmers recently made a submission registering the organisations support for the Criminal Code Amendment (Animal Protection) Bill 2015, referred by the Senate to the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee for inquiry. WAFarmers endorses the proposed Bill, believing that everyone has a moral obligation to treat all animals humanely. Western Australian livestock producers take their responsibilities for welfare issues seriously. They are committed to the delivery of good animal welfare outcomes through a national framework approach.
WAFarmers also recently made a submission to the Western Australian Muchea Livestock Agents and WA Meat Industry Authority (WAMIA) regarding the proposed changes to WA livestock sale days. WAFarmers strongly advised the WAMIA Board and associated Livestock Agents to reconsider their position on changing the livestock sale dates. WAFarmers encouraged the WAMIA Board to address and resolve the management issues occurring before instigating any changes to the sale dates.
To discuss either of these submissions, contact Kim Haywood on (08) 9486 2100 or email [email protected]