Farm and pastoral businesses in regions impacted by recent dry seasons are reminded they can access grants of up to $10,000 for business assessment and implementation advice.
The Farm Business Assessment grant scheme is assisting businesses experiencing financial hardship in parts of the Wheatbelt, Murchison and Gascoyne.
Peter Metcalfe, of the Department of Agriculture and Food, said the scheme criteria had been broadened to make the scheme more accessible for impacted businesses.
Eligible shires now include the Wheatbelt shires of Yilgarn, Westonia, Merredin, Nungarin, Mukinbudin, Mt Marshall, Narembeen and Chapman Valley, and the shires of Murchison, Shark Bay, Carnarvon and Upper Gascoyne.
“With planning for the 2015 season underway, we are keen to remind businesses that this grants scheme is available,” Mr Metcalfe said.
“These grants enable eligible farm and pastoral businesses to access independent professional advice in relation to their business management and financial situation.”
The grants comprise two components: up to $5000 for initial business assessment; and up to $5000 to assist with professional advice to implement recommended measures.
To be eligible, applicants who farm in an eligible shire must indicate they are experiencing financial hardship.
$500,000 has been allocated to the scheme, which is being administered by the Rural Business Development Corporation.
The closing date for the scheme has been extended to 30 June 2015, or earlier if funds are fully committed.
More information on the scheme is available from the website or contact 1800 198 231 (freecall).
Media contacts:
Jodie Thomson/Katrina Bowers, (08) 9368 3937
Peter Metcalfe, (08) 9368 3163
Source: DAFWA