WAFarmers will be making a submission on NuFarms’ proposal to the Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicines authority (APVMA), which recommends changes on the current use patterns of Pintobi AttackTM Herbicide containing glyphosate for canola and wheat as a control for various annual weeds, and as a desiccant. WAFarmers is seeking member feedback on the following points of the proposal:
- For canola, the proposed change is to be in line with CODEX and US standards, and is requesting an increase from 2 to 20 mg/kg.
- For wheat the proposed change is from 5 to 7 mg/kg.
- The application also recommends use during the windrowing process (using spray booms fitted to the windrower) at this higher concentration, and seeks comments on correct labelling procedures to ensure no overspray.
- Of the main concern were the implications on trade as some countries (China and Japan for e.g.) do not accept high levels of residues resulting from high rates of application.
Trial results from GRDC suggests that for wheat, trade is not likely to be affected, but in canola, one trial showed high levels of residues (18 mg/kg) which would not be suitable for export to countries like Japan and China.
Members are invited to provide feedback to Grains Executive Officer Jess Moniodis by June 20 via email, [email protected].
Members can access the document online, which can be downloaded at (http://www.apvma.gov.au/registration/assessment/docs/tan_glyphosate_may_2014.pdf).