The Western Australian Farmers Federation (Inc.) (WAFarmers) welcomes today’s announcement from WA Labor regarding a $30 million investment in Tier 3 grain rail lines over the next three years.
While welcoming the sentiment of the funding, WAFarmers President, Dale Park, said under the current arrangement the allocation of funds was not enough.
“I applaud WA Labor for their support of Tier 3 rail, it is the best offer on the table at present, however with the current situation with leases and agreements, more funding is required to ensure the long term future of Tier 3,” Mr Park said.
“This funding will need support from other companies involved in the freight of grain in Western Australia.
“WAFarmers hopes that this election promise will bring the parties involved in Tier 3 rail together and they can develop a solution to the long term commercial viability of the network.”
Mr Park said the pressure was now on the Liberal-National Coalition to make a commitment to Tier 3 rail in the lead up to the election.
“WA Labor have committed to the long term future of Tier 3 and keeping grain on rail thus seeing the benefits in rail not only for farmers but for motorists as well,” Mr Park concluded.