The WAFarmers Grains Council met last week to discuss a range of issues including the grain freight task, biotechnology, receival standards, End Point Royalties, proposed changes to the Agricultural Produce Commission (APC) Act, quality assurance, quality of grain traded for seed, research and development, grains industry investment proposals and debt reduction.
Members will be informed of outcomes once relevant individual organisations have been contacted.
The Grains Council would like to extend their appreciation to the following participants for their valuable time and knowledgeable insights: William Ryan and Ingrid Smith, APC; Andrew Weidemman, Grain Producers Australia; Peter Roberts, Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC); Kerrine Blenkinsop, Department of Agriculture and Food WA (DAFWA); Ian Longson, Grains Industry Association of WA (GIWA); David Capper and Brianna Peake, CBH Group.