WAFarmers is excited to announce WA’s own Danny Green as special guest speaker at this year’s Annual Conference – A Farming Prospectus.
The conference, to be held on March 19 – 20 at the Vines Country Club and Resort, will also feature an exciting range of industry speakers who will provide tools and advice to assist farmers to operate successfully into the future.
Mr Green, who will speak at the Gala Dinner and Awards Ceremony on March 20, had proven himself to be a passionate advocate of farmers, WAFarmers President Dale Park said.
“We are grateful to Mr Green for his continued support for agriculture and spreading the message about events such as previous live export rallies to his fan base, and we are excited to have him join us for our flagship event,” he said.
“The conference will also feature speakers who are experts in their fields on topics ranging from succession planning to non-chemical weed control.”
Day one of the conference will be opened by WA Minister for Agriculture and Food Ken Baston, followed by a panel discussion featuring Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council Chief Executive Alison Penfold, Meat and Livestock Australia Chief Economist Tim McRae, Belay Consulting Director Maree Gooch and Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative Communications Leader Peter Newman.
Speakers on day two include Coles Corporate Affairs General Manager Robert Hadler, Professor David Lindsay, Australian Wool Exchange Chief Executive Mark Grave, Rising Beef Champion Blythe Calnan and Department of Agriculture and Food WA Director General Rob Delane.
The conference will also feature a technology workshop and HR workshop, an opportunity to enjoy an afternoon of golf and the ever-popular day one sundowner by the pool.
“Every aspect of this event is an opportunity for anyone in the agriculture industry to update their knowledge and skills to ensure they can continue to farm effectively and efficiently,” Mr Park said.
The conference is sponsored by Coles, CBH Group, GRDC, Meat and Livestock Australia, Department of Agriculture and Food WA, Telstra and RadioWest’s Rural Focus.
All media requests must be directed to WAFarmers Marketing and Communications Officer Leslee Hall on (08) 9486 2100 or [email protected].