Inclusive process needed to implement budget commitment

The Western Australian Farmers Federation (Inc.) (WAFarmers) welcomes the State government’s $300million commitment to agriculture announced in today’s budget.

WAFarmers President Dale Park said the commitment to agriculture in WA was encouraging, and the best way to ensure the funding was used most efficiently was to consult widely across all agricultural industries in WA.

“I look forward to speaking with Minister Baston and sharing ideas for the review of the current system,” Mr Park said.

“It is essential for there to be widespread consultation with the agriculture industry to ensure future developments are implemented effectively and complement the Agrifood 2025+ initiative.”

Mr Park said WAFarmers envisioned the consultation would be structured similar to that used by government for the Freight Network Review.

“That process involved engaging all stakeholders with an interest in freight movement – we would like to see a similar method including a comprehensive cross-section of the agricultural industry,” he said.

“That way, Western Australian farmers can be confident there is a solid strategy in place to deliver the funding announced today and secure the future of agriculture in this state.”


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