Muresk student from Benger awarded WAFarmers Scholarship

WAFarmers congratulates Aisha O’Donnell, who was the recipient of the $5,000 WAFarmers Muresk Scholarship at the Agribusiness Awards Night last week.

The presentation was made at the Awards Night for the Bachelor of Agricultural Business Management, run by Charles Sturt University through Muresk Institute.

Ms O’Donnell, who grew up on a beef farm in Benger and is currently completing her final year of studies, said the decision to study agribusiness was an easy one given her background.

“Growing up on a beef farm, I have always been into agriculture,” Ms O’Donnell said.

“I started studying at Curtin University but decided to change to Muresk to pursue this degree.”

Ms O’Donnell said the scholarship would provide invaluable opportunities to expand her networks and industry connections. 

WAFarmers CEO Stephen Brown said it had been a long time since the organisation had last sponsored a Scholarship at the Muresk Institute.

“The WAFarmers Scholarship Trust Fund was established in the 1980’s to support students studying for a future career in agriculture at Muresk via a scholarship, including financial support.

“Thanks to the dedication of the Trustee’s, CWA State President Sara Kenny and WAFarmers President Tony York, we felt that the time was right to sponsor a scholarship at the Agribusiness Awards Night.

“We believe Aisha will be a fantastic representative for the beef industry and will go on to participate in what is currently a very progressive industry, agriculture.

“To support her development, Aisha has also been offered a complimentary annual membership to AgConnectWA, the state’s premier networking group for young farmers agribusiness professionals aged between 18 and 35 years, in addition to work experience with WAFarmers during Muresk holidays.”


PHOTO (L-R): WAFarmers Scholarship winner Aisha O’Donnell and WAFarmers CEO Stephen Brown.


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