Consumers will be able to support local farming when WAFarmers launches its own brand of milk later this year – the first household staple to be available in WA for the direct benefit of local farmers.
The landmark initiative will see a portion of proceeds from sales of the milk used to support the farming industry of Western Australia, including through market development.
WAFarmers President Dale Park said the initiative would ensure WA farming remained internationally competitive and retained its reputable high standard.
“WAFarmers has had this project in the pipeline for quite a while and we are proud to be able to put our name to a product in a way that will bring a direct benefit to local producers,” he said.
The initiative has been made possible through a partnership with processor Harvey Fresh and the milk will be available in around 80 Coles supermarkets across the state.
Harvey Fresh General Manager Paul Lorimer said the processor understood consumers’ desires to purchase locally-grown produce and give something back to the WA farming community.
“The exciting aspect of this initiative is that consumers know, at the time of purchasing this milk, they are contributing directly towards farmers in WA. This is a true innovation for the local market and will have a direct benefit for WA agriculture,” Mr Lorimer said.
Coles Managing Director John Durkan said Coles was delighted to support the initiative.
“The fact that a portion of the sales will go back to support the industry makes this initiative unique in Western Australia and we hope it will give farmers greater confidence in their future,” Mr Durkan said.
WAFarmers’ milk will be officially launched on November 19 at the Heart of WA gala dinner, a celebration of WA’s excellent produce to be held at HBF Stadium in Mount Claremont.
All media requests must be directed to WAFarmers Marketing and Communications Officer Leslee Hall on (08) 9486 2100 or [email protected].