New CEO Appointed

Former Fremantle Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive Officer and entrepreneur Peter Nolin has been appointed CEO of WAFarmers.

In conjunction with branding and strategic review process Recharge.Reconnect, Mr Nolin has been recruited to drive the organisation in a direction better suited to serving members and the greater agricultural community, WAFarmers President Dale Park said.

“Mr Nolin’s strong background in strategic development means he was the candidate best suited to taking WAFarmers into the future,” Mr Park said.

Mr Nolin established Gage Roads Brewing Company in 2002 and has previously worked as General Manager for an IT company and the Principal at his own consulting firm, Nolin & Associates.

A strong desire to give agriculture the voice it deserves had driven him to step into the role, Mr Nolin said.

“Agriculture delivers $7.5 billion to the WA economy each year and is the backbone of regional WA – meaning it deserves a much greater standing within the community,” Mr Nolin said.

“As the largest representative body for WA agriculture, WAFarmers intends to ensure that members’ and industry’s needs are understood and addressed.”


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