Nominate now for the board of The Sheep Alliance of WA

Following the decision to restructure the Sheep Industry Leadership Council (SILC) to form The Sheep Alliance of WA (Inc) (The Sheep Alliance), WAFarmers is calling for nominations for positions on the newly-formed board of directors.

The proposed restructure of SILC’s membership to form The Sheep Alliance was progressed by two industry leadership meetings in March and May 2016, attended by a diverse representation of the sheep supply chain, including current SILC directors plus WAFarmers, PGA, Grower Group Alliance members, WA Livestock Research Council (WALRC), DAFWA, universities, CSIRO, Muresk, live exporters, wool exporters and meat processors.

Membership of The Sheep Alliance is open to all ‘entities’* that are key contributors to the sheep supply chain and/or actively working towards improving the profitability of the WA sheep industry and where membership is the business, not the individual. (*Entities refers to organisations/businesses, not individuals).

Number of positions
Nominations are called for nine (9) positions on the board of The Sheep Alliance, which subject to AGM approval on 29 July 2016 will become the new name of the Sheep Industry Leadership Council (SILC).

The period of tenure for board positions is in the first instance two (2) years, where eligible directors will be able to apply for a second term, subject members’ review of performance and agreement to continue operations from 30 June 2018 at the conclusion of the current round of funding.

Applicant information
To be considered for a position as a Sheep Alliance board member, it would be expected that applicants can demonstrate knowledge of, or experience in three or more of the following fields:

  • Production including commercial experience in sheep and wool farming systems (Merino and non-merino)
  • Allied industries
  • Live Export specifically and transport generally
  • Meat and wool processing
  • Agricultural R&D
  • Business management and finance skills
  • Corporate governance
  • Investment attraction and advocacy
  • Implementation of strategic plans and project management
  • Agricultural supply chains and economics
  • Agricultural Higher education and training

Candidates will be selected to ensure The Sheep Alliance board collectively possesses an appropriate balance of expertise in the above fields.  

Selection criteria

  • Click here to download the selection criteria.

In the response to the call for nominations, applicants must clearly articulate how their experience in at least three of the above fields can assist them make a contribution to the implementation of the WA sheep industry strategic plan, whilst detailing how they can meet the selection criteria.

How to apply

  • Click here to download the nomination form.

Written nominations must be submitted to WAFarmers by 12.00pm, Friday 27 May. Applications should be marked confidential and sent by email to [email protected] and addressed to:

The Chairperson
Sheep Alliance of WA Transition Sub Committee
C/o PO Box 668
Denmark WA 6333

WAFarmers will submit the nominees to the Transitional Committee Chairman by 5.00pm on Monday 30 May. A five-person selection panel will interview candidates in Perth between 6-10 June.


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