WAFarmers is very pleased with the outcomes relating to honey from the ACCC this week. See the below statement from AHBIC:
The Australian Honey Bee Industry Council (AHBIC) is pleased that the results of its complaints to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) have resulted in the fining of the distributors of Victoria Honey. See the press release from ACCC below.
AHBIC first complained back in September, 2012 about the labelling and in 2013, after having the honey analysed in Germany, complained to the Victorian Department of Health who, after their investigations, passed it over to the ACCC.
Members of the AHBIC Food Safety and Prevention of Residues Committee have been to the forefront in pursuing these fake honeys. Also AHBIC would thank those beekeepers who have alerted us and have supplied samples. The cost of the analyses have been borne by AHBIC.
AHBIC still has a further five (5) complaints with ACCC about fake or adulterated honey. ACCC are now progressing these complaints.
See the full media release.