Regional information sessions – Merredin, Lake Grace and Kojonup

WAFarmers reminds its members in the Wheatbelt and Great Southern areas that the Main Roads Information sessions are currently running over the next two weeks.

The Department of Transport’s Agricultural Advisory Group, which includes WAFarmers, with the generosity of Main Roads WA, has organised the sessions to provide valuable information to farm operators regarding the contentious Compliance & Enforcement ‘Chain of Responsibility’ legislation which is due to be implemented through out WA. Furthermore, valuable information on the revised Towed Agricultural Guide, changed laws on piloting, towed agricultural implements, and the Agricultural Machine notice will be presented on the day.

The forums will be held at Merredin (2nd April), Lake Grace (8th April) and Kojonup (9th April). WAFarmers has successfully lobbied for these presentations to be taken to the regional areas, so all farmers are encouraged to attend these free sessions, which are fully catered.

More information can be obtained by calling 138486 or via email [email protected]. RSVPs are essential for catering purposes.


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