A recent Safety Awareness Session in Katanning presented by Farmsafe WA Alliance and WAFarmers Central Great Southern Zone left attendees informed about the latest health and safety risk assessment and legislative requirements.
The practical 90 minute session aimed to help employers and organisations understand their duty of care, and how to take reasonable steps to prevent accidents in the workplace, through consultation with workers, supervision, induction and training, and risk assessment.
A WorkSafe Inspector also travelled from Bunbury to present and answer technical questions from the floor.
Farmsafe WA Alliance Project Director Maree Gooch said the event was well attended and facilitated genuine discussion regarding employer requirements and safety processes.
“It is up to us all to ensure we understand the legislation and get compliant, and that is where the Farmsafe WA Alliance is working hard for our farmers,” Ms Gooch said.
“We are working closely with industry groups such as WAFarmers to bring together groups of farmers and service providers to ensure the correct information is getting out there.”
The session was the first of an anticipated series of workshops. If you want to organise a Safety Awareness Session in your area, contact WAFarmers on (08) 9486 2100.