Skeleton Weed Review

During August and September 2013, the Grains, Seeds and Hay Industry Funding Scheme (IFS) Management Committee undertook a survey of Scheme contributors to gauge the industry’s views on skeleton weed as a priority biosecurity issue to be addressed through the IFS. 

Based on the results of this survey, the Management Committee has proposed to increase the Grains, Seeds and Hay IFS contribution rate to 35 cents per tonne of grain/seed and 17 cents per tonne of hay from 1 July 2014. 

The WAFarmers Grains Council has supported this increase provided there be a thorough review undertaken at an appropriate time in the future to determine the appropriateness of this increase relative to results and work carried out. 

The Council asserts that there needs to be increased awareness about how the Skeleton Weed Program works operationally, who co-ordinates it, what the role of Department of Agriculture and Food WA (DAFWA) is, the role played by contractors and how the Local Action Groups fit in.

The Council has reiterated its request that financial statements for each season since the commencement of the Grain Seed and Hay Industry Funding Scheme be made publicly available showing in detail where and how grower skeleton weed levy funds have been spent. 

Members are reminded that growers have an opportunity to opt out of the Scheme on a yearly basis which must be done during the June immediately prior to the financial year for which they want to opt-out.  

All media requests must be directed to WAFarmers Marketing and Communications Officer Leslee Hall on (08) 9486 2100 or [email protected].


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