The WAFarmers Beekeepers Section will be making a submission on the future of beekeeping and pollination service industries in Australia.
On December 12, 2013 the Senate referred the matter to the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee for inquiry and report by March 26 2014. The Beekeepers Section will be making a submission by February 7, 2014. Beekeepers are urged to make a direct submission also.
Terms of reference address the importance of the bee and pollination services from a food security, environmental and financial point of view; current challenges facing the industry; adequacy of current biosecurity arrangements; food labeling requirements and recommendations from the House of Standing Committee on Primary Industries and Resources 2008 report “More than Honey; the future of the Australian honey bee and pollination industries”.
Beekeepers Section President Stephen Fewster recently spoke to the ABC on the issue.