WAFarmers Wool Section has been asked to provide comment on the upcoming Wool Industry Meeting to review the Minimum and Maximum Wool Bale Weights.
The Australian Council of Wool Exporters and Processors Inc and Private Treaty Merchants of Australia Inc have expressed concern about issues associated with lighter weight bales at their respective Annual General Meetings in 2013.
Members of both organizations were of the view that the minimum weight should be raised and recommended that it be raised to 130kg for non-specialty wools. Statistics from the Australian Wool Testing Authority show that most bales were pressed to heavy weights and a very small proportion were less than the minimum bale weights of 90kg – 110kg. Most bales are pressed to weights greater than 129kg, 4.6 per cent of bales were between 110kg and 129kg.
WAFarmers wool members have an opportunity to set Wool Section policy on the review of the wool bale weights in Australia via an online survey, which can be accessed here.
The survey will close on February 6, 2014. Contact Wool Executive Officer Lucy Radzikowska on (08) 9486 2100 or [email protected] with any questions.