In July, WAFarmers Wool Council will be meeting to discuss a number of matters, including the proposal to change the time frame of when Woolpoll (the vote woolgrowers take every three years to ascertain how much wool tax to pay for research & development and marketing activities by Australian Wool Innovation) will take place. Currently, the vote is undertaken every three years. Australian Wool Innovation is asking whether it would be more appropriate to hold Woolpoll every 4 or 5 years.
WAFarmers will also provide feedback to the Sheep and Goat Industry Funding Scheme Committee as to whether it should include wild dog and Ovine Johne’s disease in addition to the footrot disease control program currently in place under the state funding model. Sheep producers are welcome to provide their comments to [email protected] by July 20, 2014.
This month WAFarmers will also be meeting with WoolProducers Australia’s President to discuss future animal health and welfare needs within the sheep industry as well as Chairman of Graziers Investment Company on the activities of the organisation for the past twelve months. Members are always encouraged to speak to their Zone Presidents or directly with Wool Executive Officer Lucy Radzikowska ([email protected]) on issues within the wool industry outside of their farming enterprise affecting their bottom line.