WAFarmers is now offering all businesses involved and interested in agriculture the opportunity to show their support for farmers and the agricultural industry by helping strengthen the rural voice in WA through an allied business membership to WAFarmers.

Allied Business membership is for organisations or individuals who have a strategic link or vested interest in the agricultural industry.

Allied business members have the option to become a basic, medium or large member. The rates for these memberships are:

WAFarmers is proud to announce that following businesses are now allied members of WAFarmers.

Click here to join WAFarmers as an allied business member and show your support for WA agriculture. For more information call WAFarmers on (08) 9486 2100 or email Julie Lloyd on [email protected].

Allied Business Membership Form

Please either fill in the form below or click the below button to download a PDF version.



Membership is fully tax deductible

Membership level is based on annual turnover

Membership: Turnover
Small: <$1m
Medium: $1m - $2.5m
Large: >$2.5m
Please specify the percentages below.
Name - Email - Mobile Number


By signing this direct debit request you acknowledge the terms and conditions governing debit arrangements between yourself and the Western Australian Farmers Federation Inc.


I/We wish to become a member of the Western Australia Farmers Federation Inc and agree to abide by the organisation's rules as set out in the WAFarmers Constitution.
Clear Signature


The information you provide to The Western Australian Farmers Federation Inc is used to administer your membership and in the provision of membership benefits. The information provided may be used to contact and advise you of other member services or products. You may elect to cease receiving such information at any time by contacting The Western Australian Farmers Federation Inc through the methods below. Your personal information will not be disclosed without your consent for any other purpose unless required or authorised by law. You may request access to your personal information and, if necessary request The Western Australian Farmers Federation Inc update your records by contacting the Membership Coordinator in writing at WAFarmers PO BOX 556, Belmont WA 6984.