After proposed changes to the Harvest Mass Management Scheme (HMMS) were forecasted by Main Roads WA, the effectiveness and the future of the scheme was uncertain.
Growers across Western Australia value the scheme as it allows grain to be loaded in the paddock with a 10 per cent tolerance over the statutory mass allowance, however growers are always encouraged to aim to be as close to their mass limits as possible.
WAFarmers has worked closely with Main Roads and other peak industry bodies to find a solution to that will allow the continuation of an effective HMMS.
WAFarmers Upper Great Southern President John Hassell along with Tony Boladeras from GVC Logistics hosted representatives from Main Roads to highlight how farmers and contractors can safely move their rigid vehicles when off the approved network.
As a result of the visit, no blanket requirement for an agricultural pilot to be escorting a truck has been applied. However, a flashing beacon and 40 km/hr speed limit has been applied, particularly whilst carting grain at night.
Changes to the scheme this year surround the requirement for growers or transport operators to register their roads that are not already on the approved network prior to harvest.
To ensure roads are endorsed by Main Roads and included in the HMMS Road List in time for harvest; growers must have their applications in as soon as possible.
“WAFarmers is encouraging growers to ensure they are lodging their routes with Main Roads as soon as they can,” WAFarmers President Tony York said.
“Once Main Roads has assessed routes and an access form is returned to the operator, the HMMS Road List Form must be kept in the cab of the vehicle at all times.
“The roads that are registered will be assessed by Main Roads to gauge whether they can be put on the network in a full time capacity,” WAFarmers President Tony York said.
“For a long time WAFarmers has been advocating for greater road access for farmers, this is a mechanism that will allow for more routes to be put on the network”.
The road list form and the updated HMMS business rules are available on the Main Roads website.