WAFarmers will be seeking clarity on newly-reinstated funding for native title respondents when industry representatives meet with the Attorney-General today.
Last week, Attorney-General George Brandis announced the Federal government would reinstate $2.2 million of funding used to assist respondents in native title cases, which was withdrawn by the previous government.
WAFarmers President Dale Park said while the government’s announcement was welcome, further clarification was needed on particulars of the funding and issues including overlapping and repetitive claims.
“The reinstatement of this funding indicates the government’s intention to have these claims resolved, however there is still disparity between claimants and respondents in terms of the size of the funding they can access,” Mr Park said.
Mr Park said there were concerns around the breadth of industries and the number of respondents who would be looking to access the funding.
“Apart from the pastoral and fishing sectors, I understand the mining sector can also access the limited funds, which seems incongruous,” he said.
The National Farmers’ Federation, acting on behalf of State Farm Organisations including WAFarmers, will meet with the Attorney-General.