As required under its Constitution (rules 27.2.1 & 27.2.2), The Western Australian Farmers Federation (Inc.) (WAFarmers) hereby notifies all members, delegates, Commodity Section Councils and Zones of the following information for WAFarmers Board positions.
Board Casual Vacancies x 2
WAFarmers is calling for nominations to fill two casual vacancies on the WAFarmers Board. Nominations for the following positions close on Monday 26 March.
- First casual vacancy for a Board Member position (vacated by Kallum Blake)
- Second casual vacancy for a Board Member position (vacated by resignation of Hayley Goad)
Nomination forms can be obtained by emailing [email protected]. Please submit the completed nomination form to the same email address, remembering to include a short CV outlining your experience.
The successful applicants will be appointed by the WAFarmers Board for a term from appointment date until the next AGM in 2019.