The Federal Government has today announced it will provide the $8.7 million to fund a major refurbishment necessary for Moora Residential College (MRC) to remain open.
Funding to secure the future of MRC will now be provided under the Federal Government’s Community Development Grants program which aims to support infrastructure to promote stable, secure and viable local and regional economies.
WAFarmers President Tony York said it was valiant of the Federal Government to step up and save MRC.
“Moora Residential College is a vital facility for the central Wheatbelt and we thank the Deputy Prime Minister McCormack, Minister Price, Senator Cormann and their parliamentary colleagues for understanding and listening to the outcry from regional Western Australia,” Mr York said.
“Congratulations should go to everyone who fought for the future of the College. This achievement highlights the effectiveness of people power.
The efforts of the community of Moora, Isolated Children’s Parents Association, Country Women’s Association WA, Pastoralists and Graziers Association, Kimberly Pilbara Cattlemen’s Association and the Nationals WA must be highlighted and formally acknowledged,” Mr York said.
“WAFarmers hopes that the McGowan Government will now realise the importance of rural education and reverse the education budget cuts to take 20 per cent of the Agricultural Education Farm Provisions Trust each year and pulling funding for six camp school sites across WA.”