Feedback sought on Code of Practice and National Bee Biosecurity Program

The Australian Honey Bee Industry Council (AHBIC) has been working with state governments, the commonwealth government and Plant Health Australia (PHA) to develop a mandatory Biosecurity Code of Practice and a National Bee Biosecurity Program for the honey bee industry in Australia. The recently successful honey levy process, which increases the honey bee industry’s biosecurity investment, allows for industry to contribute $400,000 per year to this proposed Program.

Industry leaders and governments have been working to refine the Code and Program and now is the time for all of industry to see what is proposed and have their say on what it contains.

Please remember that the Code and Program are still in Draft Form.

Download the following documents to see what the proposed Code and Program currently contains and fill in a feedback form so you can have your say on what the Code and Program contains and how it could be improved. It is hoped that this Code and Program could begin in 2015/16.

Biosecurity Code of Practice

National Bee Biosecurity Program

Feedback Form

Please return your feedback as soon as you are able to Executive Officer Maddison McNeil at [email protected]

Source: AHBIC


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