Floor and Ceiling Rail Access Costs

WAFarmers is extremely disappointed about the lack of information made available by Brookfield Rail Pty Ltd (BR) prior to the Economic Regulation Authority’s (ERA) public consultation on rail access costs.

The ERA is seeking public comment on the Authority’s determination of floor and ceiling costs for certain routes on the railway network managed and controlled by BR. 

WAFarmers has requested information from BR which it believes should be made available in accordance with section 48 of the Railways (Access) Code 2000, however this information has not been forthcoming.

WAFarmers President Dale Park has expressed his concerns to the ERA regarding this and is yet to receive a response.

Even though there is insufficient information, WAFarmers will be making a submission to the ERA highlighting concerns over the lack of transparency and the stark contrast in port access costs which exist between Western Australia and the eastern states. 

Interested parties and individuals are encouraged to make a submission to the ERA to also raise their concerns. Submissions close 4 pm (WST), Monday February 3.


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