The CBH Group is calling on Western Australian grain growers to consider a position on the Growers Advisory Council (GAC).
The GAC has five positions open to growers who have a genuine desire and commitment to see the co-operative continue to grow and develop.
The GAC was established by the CBH Group in 2003 to help facilitate communication between the CBH Board and growers at a grass roots level.
The CBH Group Chairman, Wally Newman, said the GAC has assisted CBH in the process of continually improving services.
“I strongly encourage growers of all ages and agricultural interests to get involved, it’s a great opportunity for growers to help guide and shape the co-operative,” Mr Newman said.
“We have found the GAC to be an invaluable resource for CBH and a great opportunity for growers to give us their input directly.”
Council positions are held for a period of three years and Councillors are expected to attend meetings held in Perth.
Successful candidates will be selected by a panel consisting of Directors and representatives from the GAC and CBH Group Executive.
Nominations will close 12 noon, Friday 27 March 2015. Applicants will then be selected to take part in an interview process, involving a panel comprised of four current CBH Group Board members, the incumbent GAC Chairman and a member of the CBH Group Executive team.
Media Contact: Nikki Wilson-Smith Phone: (08) 9237 9820
Source: CBH