WAFarmers extends its congratulations to WAFarmers Meat Section President Jeff Murray, who was last week elected Sheepmeat Council of Australia President. Below is the full statement from SCA:
The Sheepmeat Council of Australia (SCA), the nation’s peak sheepmeat body, has elected Jeff Murray as its new President at the Council’s Annual General Meeting in Sydney this week.
Jeff Murray, a prime lamb producer from Beverley in Western Australia, is excited about the opportunity to represent producers on issues affecting the sheepmeat industry.
“I would like to thank the Council for their support in electing me as their leader, and thank Ian McColl for the significant contributions he has made to the sheep industry over the past three years as President.
“I am excited to be able to lead the industry through an important period in its history. There are many opportunities for our industry, but there are also a number of challenges we must address if we are to increase production and meet the growing demand for our premium product.
“Our exports are growing and we have significant opportunities in a diverse range of markets, which we hope will increase returns for producers at the farm gate.
“At this critical time, there is a lot of activity around defining structures and roles in the industry. It is of upmost importance that we continue to improve our research & development, marketing and the industry systems that have helped underpin the success of the sheepmeat industry”, Mr Murray said.
Mr Murray has most recently served as SCA’s Vice-President and takes over the Presidency role from Central West New South Wales producer Ian McColl, who has completed his maximum three year term as President.
Alexander MacLachlan, a producer from Linden Park in South Australia was elected as SCA Vice-President. David Boyle from York in Western Australia was elected as SCA’s Honorary Treasurer.
Source: SCA