Last week, WAFarmers President Tony York, Policy Executive Officers Kim Haywood and Shannen Barrett, and WAFarmers Member Brad Mills (Brookton) met with representatives from the WA Police force to discuss a number of issues relating to road safety after a traffic accident.
In addition to communications issues between landowners and the WA Police, it is understood there have been numerous infringements for unsecured loads following loose straw blowing off during transport. WA Police indicated that if this has happened to you and you think the infringement is overzealous, be sure to take photos of the loads and use the appeal process to contest the fine.
WA Police would like to remind farmers to ensure they are appropriately target hardening their properties; including securing firearms in compliance with the WA Firearms Act 1973 and the Firearms Regulations 1974. They would also remind farmers about the importance of identifying stock properly, as poorly identified stock can be a contentious issue in court when stock theft occurs.
WAFarmers is awaiting further clarification on all the discussions held. For more information about the Firearms Act 1973 and Firearms Regulations 1974, follow this link: