Opinion Articles

Time to Super Charge SuperTowns

WAFarmers welcomes the growing interest by the state government in attracting students to work in the primary industry sector via their recently launched Project Primed.

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Opinion Articles

Coalition 8 1/2 Out of 10

Normally when you hear a politician saying that they have a plan most of us tune out, ‘why don’t they just do something,’ is what

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Opinion Articles

Four Legs Good Two Legs Bad

Its likely to becoming too expensive for activists to follow through with their break, enter and steal liberation plans for livestock if the state and

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Opinion Articles

Farmers Dodged a Bullet

Western Australian agriculture has just dodged a six gun full of bullets that had been loaded and aimed at farmers by Bill Shorten and his

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Opinion Articles

Camels Coming to a Paddock Near You

The recent sighting of camels near Esperance provides an opportune time to remind the State and Federal Governments of their responsibilities to manage Crown Land

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Opinion Articles

Live X Australia Leads the Way

WAFarmers remains hopeful that arrangements can be negotiated, and sheep and cattle will continue to be shipped from Fremantle port before the end of the

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Opinion Articles

Old Man Salt Solution

At the farm level, the economics of farming practices clearly do play an important role in shaping what farmers choose to do. Many factors influence

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