Old National Vendor Declarations to be phased out

The Red Meat Advisory Council of Australia has issued a collective industry wide agreement to phase out all old versions of the Livestock Production Assurance National Vendor Declaration (LPA NVD) up to and including the 2012 version.

The Western Australian Meat Marketing Co-operative (WAMMCO) supports the phasing out of old versions of the National Vendor Declaration and will implement the industry wide agreement from 1 February, 2015. If old versions of the LPA NVD are presented, the livestock will be accepted but the supplier will receive a letter reconfirming the 2013 NVD requirement. 

The benefits of using only the 2013 LPA NVD include avoiding confusion amongst livestock suppliers; simplifying the administration and preparation of compliant kill schedules; minimising confusion for overseas auditors; and removing the need for producers to make country eligibility statements.  

You can order a 2013 edition of the LPA NVD booklet online here or contact the LPA helpline on 1800 683 111.


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