The Agrifood Labour Initiative and Sheep Industry Leadership Council plan to develop and implement a Certificate III traineeship specifically for the WA Sheep industry; and are looking to recruit school leavers to enter the industry.
CCIWA is seeking Expressions of Interest from farm businesses who would like to be involved.
They plan to partner with high schools offering agriculture courses and want to recruit applicants to the program from Year 11 & 12 students already studying for (or having completed) a Certificate II in Agriculture. They are seeking farm employers willing to employ a school leaver on a full-time basis as a trainee. The trainee would complete most training on-the-job with some study units completed online in their own time.
The employer will however be well supported by training advisors and all aspects of the training will be managed by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO). CCIWA expects that the cohort of trainees will remain “connected” through social media, and plan to create regular opportunities for the trainees to meet, and perhaps even complete some group training together at a centralised facility (such as Muresk).
Potential employers will initially be invited to advise on the design of the traineeship to ensure the skill sets meet the requirements of the sector. These could include non-agriculture specific skill-sets (like welding or mechanical) as well as very industry specific skill-sets (such as ewe management & ram selection).
This is a unique opportunity to provide input into the design of a traineeship specifically designed for their sector. An initial expressions of interest does not lock anyone into a commitment to employer a trainee, but CCIWA expects that farm businesses that choose to become involved will consider taking on a trainee, should a suitable applicant be found.
For more information contact Jackie Jarvis, Consultant, Agrifood Labour & Skills on 0428 645 812 or email [email protected].
Source: CCIWA