Update on National Vendor Declaration phase out

The Cattle Council of Australia has released the following key points regarding the phase out of national vendor declarations (NVD).

  • The Red Meat Advisory Council released a statement on Monday 4 August 2014 encouraging the industry-wide use of only the 0413 Cattle, EU Cattle, Sheep and Goat LPA National Vendor Declarations (LPA NVDs) for livestock movements from 1 February 2015. The statement encouraged the use of the latest LPA NVD versions to provide the most up to date and relevant information on the status of livestock to buyers.
  • Individual supply chains may choose to implement this policy prior to 1 February 2015, depending on their business requirements.
  • The application of this policy will be a commercial decision for individual livestock buyers and sellers.
  • SAFEMEAT, the industry/government partnership that oversees the LPA NVD document, supports the commercial action taken to require the latest version LPA.
  • SAFEMEAT released a statement on Tuesday 11 November 2014 stating it will phase out all but the most recent versions of LPA National Vendor Declarations (NVD’s) at some time during 2015.
  • All versions of the LPA NVD currently in circulation are valid and satisfy the requirements of the LPA program.
  • Producers may use pre-0413 versions of the LPA NVD for livestock consignments where buyers continue to accept these versions.
  • Producers should check with their livestock buyer as to what version of the LPA NVD is required before consigning livestock.

Furthermore, the LPA Helpdesk is currently experiencing a record number of NVD book orders. While additional staff have are working to try to accommodate the increased demand for orders, producers are asked to be patient. Alternatively, consider purchasing a LPA NVD booklet electronically if you are registered online by clicking here.


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