With only one month to go until the 2017 WAFarmers Annual Conference: GROW2017, we’re thrilled to announce our presenters and keynote speakers.
Following the Business Breakfast on Thursday 2 March, the conference will be officially opened by Mick Keogh, Executive Director of the Australian Farm Institute, who will discuss the findings of the ACCC study into beef supply chain competition and opportunities and trends for agriculture.
Guest speakers will also present throughout the various commodity AGMs held throughout the day, with DAFWA representatives Kate Pritchett (Research Officer) and Dr Mia Carbon (WA Chief Veterinary Officer) presenting during the Livestock Section AGM, Tony May (Managing Director, Monsanto) and Dr Steve Jefferies (Managing Director, GRDC) addressing the Grains Section, and Lavina Muscat (Industry Development Executive, Telstra) and Peter Metcalfe (Executive Director, DAFWA) speaking at the General Section AGM.
The day will conclude with a networking sundowner at Perth Mint, during which delegates can mingle with other attendees and our guest speakers.
Friday 3 March will see a packed agenda, commencing with an opening address from the Hon. Mark Lewis MLC, Minister for Agriculture and Food WA. With the State Election being only days after our Annual Conference, the address from Minister Lewis will be particularly timely.
A presentation from Murdoch University Hon. Postdoctoral Associate Dr Neville Ellis will detail farmers’ sense of place and mental wellbeing in the context of a rapidly changing climate, which will be particularly relevant during these ever-changing times in WA agriculture. This presentation will be followed by an address from National Farmers Federation President Fiona Simson, who will give delegates an update on NFF activities and our place within them.
The ever-popular panel discussions will continue in 2017, with Elizabeth Brennan from Moora Citrus, Tom and Jack Carmody from Claire Downs and Prenti Downs Station, and Alexandra Iljadica from Youth Food Movement discussing the future of agriculture and its current status in WA.
The final presentation of the day will be delivered by Andrew Whitelaw and Robert Hermann from Mecardo, who will give you tips and insider knowledge on the three essential things you need to know to Beat the market.
Date | Thursday 2 and Friday 3 March 2017
Location | Pan Pacific Hotel, 207 Adelaide Terrace, Perth
Cost | Varies, depending on section attended. WAFarmers and AgConnectWA Members are entitled to reduced rates.
Online | Click here
Phone | Call WAFarmers on (08) 9486 2100 and we can help you
Email | Email WAFarmers on [email protected] and we can send you a form to complete and send back to the email address above.
Fax | Fax the completed registration form to (08) 9279 1188
Mail | Send the completed registration form to PO Box 68, Guildford WA 6935
Registrations close 5.00pm Wednesday 22 February 2017.