WAFarmers supports property settlement service

Today sees the launch of a new dimension to the existing partnership between WAFarmers and Bailiwick Legal, with the latter redirecting funds from successful rural settlements to WAFarmers.

Having worked with WAFarmers for over a decade, Bailiwick Legal Director Philip Brunner understood the importance of developing a product that would directly benefit clients, including farmers.

“Property settlement can often be a difficult and stressful process, especially on rural and farming properties where people have a deep connection with the land and produce,” Mr Brunner said.

“Whether selling the farm, buying a retirement home or buying the neighbour’s place, a settlement agent who understands the nuances of rural people and farm businesses is important.

“Bailiwick Legal will provide such a service to both WAFarmers members and non-members, with part of the proceeds from all settlements going to WAFarmers to support its work for the farming community.

“The team at Bailiwick Legal and I are thrilled to offer this product with the support of WAFarmers, and we look forward to helping clients with their property settlement needs.”

WAFarmers President Dale Park said the partnership would strengthen the already long-established relationship between Mr Brunner and WAFarmers.

“Having been part of the WAFarmers family in several capacities for over a decade, our members are already familiar with Phil and his abilities as they can contact him regarding legal advice as needed,” Mr Park said.

“Given his experience, Phil has an excellent understanding of what our members need, though the process will benefit non-members too.

“This innovative process will take the partnership between WAFarmers and Bailiwick Legal in a fresh and exciting direction, and will help us to continue to advocate for Western Australian farmers and agriculture on a higher level.”


All media requests must be directed to WAFarmers Media and Communications Officer Melanie Dunn on (08) 9486 2100 or [email protected].


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