AgConnectWA elects new Committee

The Western Australian Farmers Federation (Inc.) (WAFarmers) AgConnectWA Section today elected a new Committee for 2013 at the Ocean Beach Hotel in Cottesloe during its Annual Conference, ‘Agriculture – The Green Collar Industry’, sponsored by Westpac Banking Corporation and the Future Farmers Network.

The Conference officially ratified Andrew Whitelaw as the new AgConnectWA President, with Rebecca Jenkinson elected Senior Vice President.

AgConnectWA President, Andrew Whitelaw, said the new Committee was eager to get started and provide opportunities for young people involved in agriculture to connect.

“Part of our mission is to connect, represent and provide support to young people involved in agricultural industries and rural communities,” Mr Whitelaw said.

“The Committee will be looking at new and innovative ways to create interesting events for young agricultural enthusiasts to share ideas and develop their networks.”

Mr Whitelaw encouraged all West Australians with an interest or stake in agriculture to join AgConnectWA.

“We want you to become involved and have your say on the future directions of agriculture in this state and the larger our voice, the bigger the impact we can have across Western Australia.”

Mr Whitelaw thanked the outgoing committee members for their tireless work in initiating the changes to the AgConnectWA section.

If you are interested in becoming a member of AgConnectWA, please contact WAFarmers Membership & Community Development Officer, Megan MacNeill, on [email protected] or (08) 9486 2100.


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