AgConnectWA to launch initiative

The AgConnectWA committee will launch an initiative this week which aims to connect consumers with the farmers whose product they are purchasing.

Quick response codes, which can be scanned by anyone with a smart phone, will be placed on supermarket shelves next to products including beef, lamb and dairy goods.

The codes will direct consumers to a mobile phone enabled website ( which contains information about production processes, farm case studies and Australian farm gate prices.

AgConnectWA President Kallum Blake says he hopes, through providing this information, to highlight the role of agriculture in people’s everyday lives.

“We want to give consumers transparent information which they can use when making decisions about the products they buy and, by extension, the primary producers they support,” Mr Blake said.

The project is based on an idea developed at the 2013 Heywire Summit. Tiffany Davey, from Western Australia, was part of the group that developed the idea.

It was made possible, in part, through a Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal ABC Heywire Youth Innovation Grant.



WHO: AgConnectWA President Kallum Blake

WHERE: Farmer Jacks, Halls Head Central, 20 Peelwood Parade, Halls Head, 6210

WHAT: Photo and interview opportunity with AgConnectWA President Kallum Blake 

WHEN: 10am on Wednesday, 18 March, 2015

CONTACT: For media inquiries, contact Sophie Kilby at WAFarmers on (08) 9486 2100 or 0447 049 574


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