The Federal and State Government, in conjunction with Main Roads WA, have funded upgrades for the Great Northern Highway.
Main Roads WA is now undertaking a review of the concept designs they have produced for various sections of the highway. These designs will be presented for review and feedback in March and April.
Interested members of the community are invited to attend an information session, listed below, to review and discuss these options with the project team.
Thursday 19 March: Bindoon Town Hall, 5pm – 7pm
Areas to be discussed: Muchea to Chittering, Bindoon
Tuesday 24 March:
New Norcia Hotel, 5pm – 7pm
Areas to be discussed: New Norcia bypass
Wednesday 25 March: Miling Recreation Hall, 5pm – 7pm
Areas to be discussed: Lyons Road East to Pithara, including Miling
Tuesday 31 March:
Dalwallinu Recreation Centre, 5pm – 7pm
Areas to be discussed: Dalwallinu bypass improvements
Wednesday 31 March: Wubin Golf Club, 5pm – 7pm
Areas to be discussed: Wubin realignment
Main Roads WA welcomes enquiries about this project. You can contact them on 1800 820 366 or email [email protected].