Hear from ADF and WAFarmers next week in your area

Mark your diary for April 8th, 9th and 10th 2014 as WAFarmers Dairy Council together with Australian Dairy Farmers (ADF) will be will be touring WA.

Over the 3 days there will be farm meetings held in various areas with all dairy farmers invited to attend to hear from WAFarmers and ADF personnel about issues and policies they are working on and to share thoughts on opportunities and issues which impact WA. This will be a great chance to learn about national and state policy issues which influence the dairy industry and your business operation.

The aim of the tour is for ADF to develop a stronger understanding of the unique qualities of the WA dairy industry while informing our farmer base of the work they complete on our behalf at a national policy level. WAFarmers Dairy Council works closely with the ADF team to ensure our state is represented with a number of farmers on the policy advisory groups. WAFarmers Dairy Council encourages farmers with expertise and interest in policy areas such as Farms & Farming Systems & Herd Improvement, Natural Resource Management, Animal Health & Welfare, Markets, Trade & Value Chain and People & Human Capacity to consider applying to join one of our Policy Advisory Groups (PAGs) to help shape national policy.

For more information and to register, download the WAFarmers ADF Tour Invite.

If you are a member of WAFarmers you can join ADF at no cost by using the form on the ADF web page (http://www.australiandairyfarmers.com.au/) or by contacting Dairy Executive Officer Stephanie Tarlinton ([email protected]).


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