Coalition comments reinforcing their support for the live export trade and the improvement of animal welfare standards are reassuring to the industry and greatly welcome by WAFarmers.
WAFarmers has called for the expansion of the live export trade and the refinement of the Exporter Supply Chain Assurance System (ESCAS) as a matter of priority for the next Federal government.
Assurances from Nationals Leader Warren Truss and Shadow Agriculture Minister John Cobb that the Coalition will work to strengthen live trade are encouraging, WAFarmers President Dale Park said.
“Cattle producers want to know their best interests will be looked after by whoever wins the Federal election,” Mr Park said.
“Mr Cobb and Mr Truss’ comments will provide some relief to an industry which has faced crippling setbacks and campaigns against its image in the past few years.”
Mr Park said he looked forward to further information from the Coalition on improving animal welfare standards in destination countries, streamlining ESCAS through a cooperative approach with industry and strengthening government-to-government relations.
“The live export trade relies on government to facilitate effective trade arrangements with key regions and countries,” Mr Park said.
“Coalition assurances about repairing relations with Indonesia are appreciated and WAFarmers hopes such commitments are extended to all destination countries.”