Dairy farmers at yesterday’s WAFarmers Annual Dairy Conference united to call for more equitable and sustainable farm gate milk prices.
Delegates unanimously determined to call on processors to raise the price paid per litre to farmers as demand outstripped supply.
“At the conference, we were presented with evidence* showing the demand for drinking milk had outstripped production for the first time earlier this year,” WAFarmers Dairy Council President Phil Depiazzi said.
“Additionally, the farm gate price in WA does not match up to that in other states which supply similar markets to ours – for example, producers in northern New South Wales and Queensland are paid more than 55 cents per litre, well above that paid to WA producers,” he said.
Mr Depiazzi said these conditions, paired with the outcomes of the Sustainable Milk Price Report (by the Collective Bargaining Group and WAFarmers Dairy Council) showing 55 cents per litre was an appropriate benchmark, made it imperative for processors to lift their game, and their prices, in order to ensure present and future supply.
“It is in the best interests of processors to come to the table with more competitive prices to secure the future viability and sustainability of WA’s dairy industry,” he said.
Mr Depiazzi was re-elected Dairy Council President at yesterday’s Annual General Meeting, with Michael Partridge and Paul Ieraci re-elected as Senior Vice President and Vice President respectively.
All media requests must be directed to WAFarmers Marketing and Communications Officer Leslee Hall on (08) 9486 2100 or [email protected].