The Department of Agriculture and Food has advised WAFarmers that nominations are now open for the Grains, Seeds and Hay Industry Funding Scheme management committee and the Sheep and Goats Industry Funding Scheme management committee.
The committees oversee biosecurity Industry Funding Schemes, using authorised funding arrangements for producers to raise funds to tackle priority pests and diseases.
On advice from the industry, the committees determine what pests and disease threats require action and how best to deal with threats.
Appointments are for a period of up to three years with committee meetings held quarterly. Renumeration includes sitting fees and travel expenses.
Nominations of a two page (max.) letter addressing the selection criteria plus a two page (max.) resume must be submitted to Rebecca Heath by 9am, 20 April, 2015.
By email: [email protected]
By mail: PO Box 483, Northam, WA, 6401.
For further information, click here.