State Planning Policy 5.2 – Telecommunications Infrastructure provides guidance to local governments on the location, design and installation of mobile towers across the State.
Mr Day said the review would examine whether changes were needed to support our increased reliance on mobile communications, particularly in emergency situations.
“Technology and the demand for telecommunications services has advanced beyond expectations since the policy was first launched in 2004,” he said.
“This review will evaluate whether the policy and local practices adequately balance service needs with appropriate locations, current technology and industry practice.”
The Minister said the review would also examine how to better assist local governments to assess telecommunications infrastructure proposals.
“In the past five years, there have been a number of initiatives to boost telecommunications services across the State, including the Royalty for Regions-funded Regional Mobile Communications Project, the National Broadband Network and investment from the private sector,” he said.
“This review will provide more certainty to local governments, residents and providers when making decisions on telecommunications proposals in their local areas.”
An online survey is now open and will close on July 16. The information collected will be used to prepare the draft policy, which will then be released for further public consultation.
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Source: Ministerial Statement