From tomorrow, consumers can support farmers when they shop at the supermarket by purchasing WAFarmers’ branded milk.
WAFarmers President Dale Park, along with Harvey Fresh General Manager Paul Lorimer and Coles Managing Director John Durkan, will officially launch the milk at the Heart of WA gala dinner tonight.
“This is a game-changing initiative not only for WAFarmers, but for the agricultural industry in Western Australia,” Mr Park said.
“Consumers will be able to go into a store and use their buying power to make a definite difference to the future of the State’s vitally-important agriculture industry.”
The product will be available in both full cream and hilo varieties at more than 80 Coles stores around Western Australia.
“I urge all consumers to show their appreciation and support for the farmers who work hard every day to put food on their tables by buying WAFarmers’ branded milk,” Mr Park said.
The product is processed and packaged by Parmalat in Western Australia under a special licensing agreement. Forty cents from the sale of every two litre bottle will be distributed via a project fund and other initiatives to assist the development of industry.
WHO: WAFarmers President Dale Park
Coles General State Manager Cathi Scarce
WHERE: Coles Midland, Midland Gate Shopping Centre, Great Eastern Highway, Midland
WHAT: Photos and interviews with WAFarmers President Dale Park and Coles General State Manager Cathi Scarce in store
WHEN: 10am on Thursday, 20 November
CONTACT: For media inquiries, contact Leslee Hall at WAFarmers on (08) 9486 2100 or 0439 874 992 For media inquiries relating to Coles, contact Julia Balderstone on 0409 570 107