Members should shortly receive (or already have received) a letter from WAFarmers President Dale Park via post or email advising them that independent research company WRAYS will be distributing a survey in the coming weeks.
The survey will enable WRAYS to collect valuable feedback from members about their thoughts on WAFarmers. It is important for as many members as possible to complete the survey because it will better enable the organisation to understand members’ perceptions and expectations, allowing WAFarmers to improve operations and better serve the agricultural community.
Survey results will be kept entirely confidential and will only be accessed by WRAYS Head of Research.
Members will either receive a survey via email directly from WRAYS on Friday, February 17 or receive a hard copy sent directly to their postal address.
While the survey is voluntary, members are encouraged to complete it in order to have their opinions heard. Accuracy of results depends upon the number of completed surveys and it is therefore important to get as high a response rate as possible.