WAFarmers has called on national R&D and marketing body Australian Wool Innovation to join with industry and unite against the devastating impact of wild dogs.
Today, WAFarmers is making a submission signalling support for the National Wild Dog Action Plan (NWDAP), produced by industry stakeholders led by peak wool body WoolProducers Australia.
WAFarmers Wool Section President Ed Rogister said it was essential for AWI, as one of the industry’s major research and development bodies, to participate in an integrated approach to the wild dog threat through the NWDAP.
“WAFarmers wool and meat sections support a united industry-driven approach to the massive and increasing threat wild dogs pose to the Australian sheep industry,” Mr Rogister said.
Mr Rogister noted the significant financial contribution AWI has made to wild dog management, but said such an industry-driven response needed AWI’s support to be successful.
“It is disappointing to note the absence of AWI from the NWDAP Project Steering Committee, but we hope AWI will come on board as a member in the future stages,” Mr Rogister said.
“We urge AWI to take immediate steps to ensure funds invested in wild dog control are fully integrated with the NWDAP.”