WAFarmers has made a submission into the public inquiry into the potential environmental contribution of recreational hunting systems. The inquiry is looking at other States’ regulated, licensed recreation hunting systems and the potential environmental contribution made in controlling pest animals on public lands, together with the possible economic, cultural and recreational benefits to the community. The Public Administration Committee is inquiring into the benefits or otherwise of a similar system being adopted in WA. The report is to be finalised by December 4, 2014.
WAFarmers comments are as follows:
- WAFarmers welcomes this inquiry as it may address, in part, the control of pest animals in Western Australia.
- Any effort to control or eradicate wild dogs from an area is looked at favourably by the farming community.
- Should a system be developed in WA similar to those in the Eastern States:
- It needs to be developed with industry to ensure that wild dog control measures by hunting are parallel or part of a State and national programs whose objective is to eradicate/control wild dog population.
- The system needs to acknowledge other land users such as beekeepers who have apiary sites on public land. These sites are accessed by beekeepers to tend to their bees and extract honey/pollen. There needs to be consideration given on how hunting activities will be communicated to the affected beekeepers in a particular region for occupational health and safety reasons.
- WAFarmers welcomes the opportunity to see a draft proposal for recreational hunting in WA for further comment.