WAFarmers position on min. and max. bale weights

WAFarmers has made a submission to its peak wool lobby group WoolProdcuers Australia on the proposed move to increase the minimum bale weights of woolpacks. The proposal was to increase the minimum bale weights from the current 90kg up to the proposed 130kg and obtain comments as to whether the maximum bale weight should be retained at 204kg.

The Australian Council of Wool Exporters and Processors Inc and Private Treaty Wool Merchants of Australia will be deliberating the topic in the near future which will include representation from WoolProducers Australia which WAFarmers is a member of.  Thank you to WAFarmers members for filling out the survey which assisted Wool Council to make its formal position on this matter.


  1. Supports an increase of minimum bale weight from 90kg up to 130kg for wool less than 18.6 microns.

2.         Supports the retention of maximum bale weights at 204kg for all micron wool.

3.         Supports an increase of weight for superfine wool from 90 kg up to 110kg.

WAFarmers will keep members updated on the outcome of the industry discussions and on the outcome of the deliberations.


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