WAFarmers Beekeepers Section Vice President Rod Pavy will attend a meeting hosted by Plant Health Australia in the Eastern States this week meeting with other State representatives and bee industry peak council Australian Honey Bee Industry.
One of the main items on the agenda for discussion will be the Australian Honey Bee Industry Biosecurity Code of Practice Draft.
The development of the Code has been developed in consultation between beekeepers and governments to provide a clear framework for Australian beekeepers to engage in best-practice biosecurity.
The objectives of this Code of Practice are to:
- Increase productivity in the Australian honey bee industry by improving the general level of disease and pest control by Australian beekeepers.
- Assist beekeepers in recognising exotic pets and diseases of bees and preparation for an exotic or emerging disease response
- Assist in the management of significant endemic diseases of bees, particularly American foulbrood.
- Facilitate the cross-border movement of bees through adoption of a single national code for biosecurity practices.
The Code is not a manual on how to manage bees. The Code tells beekeepers what they must achieve but how they achieve it will be up to the individual and will be influenced by their situation.
The Beekeepers Executive has had an opportunity to comment on the Code. The document is not in its final stages and there are some areas that need further development especially the differentiation of actions between all beekeepers and beekeepers who have 50 hives plus.